30 August 2018
ATC Manager

Version 2 is out!
New planes, new operators, new airfields, save your progress and new features!
You can find the game in the Google Play store.
- Design changes
- Different font
- More maps
- More planes
- More operators
- Timer
- Toggleable labels
- Realistic locations
ATC Manager is a realistic Air Traffic Control manager which features a variety of real world airlines and aircraft (all with their own specifications) dynamic runway use, infinite flights, different speed settings and an easy to use interface.
Download it on Google Play. Also check out the web based ATC Manager, which was also previously updated, here.
Road map:
- Commands to speech ability
- Editable content (create your own airplanes & airports)
- More realistic flight behavior
- General Aviation (GA)
- More interesting weather dynamics
- Scenario’s
- ATC log
- Time limitations
- Better penalties system
Learning how to program or improving programmings skills:
eBook Store
has a large number of ebooks on a wide range of topcis. I would definitely recommend them
Great courses:
offers a large amount of (online) courses on game development (Use
Code LSOFF50
to get 50% off ;p).