05 September 2018
Bike Rental Amsterdam

Having trouble finding a bike rental location in Amsterdam? View all NS bikes, bike hire and NS rental locations in Amsterdam and the rest of Holland/the Netherlands.
You can use the “OV Fiets App” to easily find information about NS bike rental locations. When you type in a city or location, the app will show you a list of suggested bike rental locations. When you’ve found the right rental location you click the “Go” button or select the station. This will open a page showing the location’s status (open or closed), the amount of bikes available, time since the last update, opening hours and the position of the bike rental location.
If you’re visiting Amsterdam this app might also come in handy:

Amsterdam Public Toilets
Searching for public urinals in amsterdam? this interactive chart shows all the public toilets/urinals/bathrooms in the city center of Amsterdam. Google Play
LaunchThe OV Fiets App uses open data from openov.nl and is provided by the NS-Lab.