12 November 2019
Export illustrator file to all important file formats.
Final Export.jsx
Installation: Copy this file to your illustrator scripts folder:
For windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator CC 2019\Presets\
For Mac: Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC/Presets/
Usage: File->Scripts->Final Export
Questions? Send me an email.
Download link: ZIP
Output file structure:
Output file structure:
/<choosen output folder>
/<choosen filename>.jpg
/<choosen filename>.png
/<choosen filename>.jpg
/<choosen filename>.png
/<choosen filename>.jpg
/<choosen filename>.png
/<choosen filename>.jpg
/<choosen filename>.png
/<choosen filename>.jpg
/<choosen filename>.png
/<choosen filename>.ai
/<choosen filename>.pdf
/<choosen filename>.svg
/<choosen filename>.jpg
/<choosen filename>.png
/<choosen filename>.dxf
/<choosen filename>.eps
TIP: You can keep exporting different variations to the same output folder as long as you choose a different name when exporting. Be carefull, files can be overidden.